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Toko Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia,KI Hajar Dewantoro

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013 | 01.56

Ki Hajar Dewantara

Born : May 2, 1889Yogyajarta
Died : April 28, 1959Yogyakarta
Other names : Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat
Occupation : First Indonesian Education Minister
Political party : Budi Utomo, Indische Partij

Ki Hajar Dewantara (2 May 1889 - 28 April 1959), born Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat in Yogyakarta, was a pioneer in the field of education in Indonesia.
Ki Hadjar Dewantara studied at ELS (European Lagere School), then he continued his studies at Kweekschool (Teacher School) and Stovia (Javanese Doctor's School)
In 1949, he was chosen for Minister of Education and Culture.
The 2nd of May is Indonesia's 'National Education Day', named in his honour.
He built 'Taman Siswa' for the people of Indonesia.

Ki Hajar Dewantara

Ki Hajar Dewantara (2 May 1889 - 28 April 1959), born Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat in Yogyakarta, was a pioneer in the field of education in Indonesia.
Ki Hadjar Dewantara studied at ELS (European Lagere School), then he continued his studies at Kweekschool (Teacher School) and Stovia (Javanese Doctor's School)
In 1949, he was chosen for Minister of Education and Culture.
The 2nd of May is Indonesia's 'National Education Day', named in his honour.
He built 'Taman Siswa' for the people of Indonesia.

Early Life and Early Career

Soewardi comes from a family environment Yogyakarta Palace. He completed his primary education in the ELS (Elementary School Europe / Netherlands). Then could continue to STOVIA (School Doctor Bumiputera), but not until the finish due to illness. Then he worked as a writer and journalist in several newspapers including Sediotomo, Midden Java, De Expres, Oetoesan Indies, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer, and Poesara. In his time, he considered the author reliable. Writings communicative and sharp with the anti-colonial spirit.

Movement Activities

Besides tenacious as a young reporter, he was also active in social and political organization. Since the founding of Boedi Utomo (BO) in 1908, he was active in the propaganda section to socialize and public awareness of Indonesia (mainly Java) at that time about the importance of unity and integrity of nation and state. BO's first congress in Yogyakarta are also organized by him.
Young Soewardi also a member of the organization Insulinde, a multiethnic organization of Indo-dominated government of their own who fought in the Dutch East Indies, the influence of Ernest Douwes Dekker (DD). When he later founded the Indische Partij DD, Soewardi also invited.

Als ik eens Nederlander was

As the Dutch Government intends to collect donations from residents, including natives, for the celebration of Dutch independence from France in 1913, critical reaction from the nationalists, including Soewardi. He later wrote "Een Voor Allen Allen Ook voor maar Een" or "One for All, but All for One also". But column khd most famous is "If I'm A Dutch" (original title: "Als ik eens Nederlander was"), published in the newspaper De Expres-led DD, in 1913. The contents of this article was very hot in the Dutch East Indies government officials. Written quotations include the following.
"If I were a Dutchman, I'm not going to hold parties in the country's independence which we have taken his own independence. Parallel to that way of thinking, not only unjust, but did not deserve to get the natives to give donations to fund the celebration. Idea for menyelenggaraan celebration would have been insulted them, and now we also rake in his pocket. Let's keep going in physical and spiritual insult it! If I were a Dutchman, it is particularly offends me and my friends countrymen is the fact that the natives are required to join an activity fee There is not the slightest interest for him ".
Several Dutch officials doubt that this paper made by the original Soewardi own because of different language styles of his writings prior to this. Even if true that he is writing, they think DD role in stirring up Soewardi to write with such style.
As a result of this writing he was arrested with the approval of the Governor-General Idenburg and will exiled to the island of Bangka (at his own request). However, the two colleagues, DD and Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo, protested and eventually three of them were exiled to the Netherlands (1913). These three figures known as "Three Men". Soewardi was then just 24 years old.

In Exile

In exile in the Netherlands, is active in the organization Soewardi students from Indonesia, Indische Vereeniging (Indies Association).
It was here that he later pioneered the ideals of the natives advancing science education by learning to get Europeesche Deed, a prestigious educational certificates that would be establishing a foothold in the establishment of educational institutions. In this study Soewardi hooked on the ideas of Western education leaders, such as Froebel and Montessori, and the movement of Indian education, Santiniketan, Tagore family. This influences the underlying in developing their own educational systems.

Taman Siswa

Soewardi returned to Indonesia in the month of September 1919. Soon later he joined his brother in a school built. Teaching experience is then used to develop the concept of teaching for the school that she founded on July 3, 1922: Onderwijs Nationaal Instituut Tamansiswa or Tamansiswa National University. When he was 40 years of age of reckoning the Javanese calendar, he changed his name to Ki Hajar Dewantara. He no longer uses knighted in front of his name. This is so that he can freely close to the people, both physical and mental.
The motto in the education system is now worn very well known in education circles Indonesia. Intact, the slogan that reads Javanese tulada sung ngarsa ing, associate mangun ing initiative, tut wuri handayani. ( "in front of a model, in the middle of building on the spirit, from the back support"). This motto is still used in the education of the Indonesian people, especially in schools Tamansiswa Universities.

Education motto Ki Hajar Dewantara

In its struggle against the education of their people, Ki Hajar Dewantara which has the motto Tut Wuri Handayani (from the back of a teacher should be able to provide encouragement and direction), intermediate mangun ing initiative (in the middle or between students, teachers must create initiatives and ideas), and ing ngarsa sung tulada (in front, an educator must give an example or examples of good actions). This motto is still used in our education, especially in schools Taman Siswa.

Education Heroes Indonesia

At his age even 40 years, Ki Hajar Dewantara revoke his nobility and changed its original name Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat to Ki Hajar Dewantara. This is intended so he can freely close to the people, both physically and liver. During the Japanese occupation, Ki Hajar Dewantara appointed as one of the leaders in the organization's Son together with Ir. Soekarno, Drs. Mohammad Hatta and K.H. Mas Mansur. Days of independence Ki Hajar Dewantara appointed Minister of Education and Culture of the first. Ki Hajar Dewantara struggle against Indonesia's education makes him worthy of the education bestowed the title of hero of Indonesia. There was also excessive if his date of birth, May 2 is celebrated as a day to commemorate the national education and as an encouragement for us to continue the initiative and his thoughts on education in Indonesia.
As educational leaders, Ki Hajar Dewantara not like Ivan Illich or Rabrindranath Tagore who had considered the school as a punishment that must be avoided. Ki Hajar view that through education will form a cadre of thinking, feeling, and berjasad independent and believed in his own abilities. Bernafaskan educational direction and berlanggam cultural nationalism.

A figure such as Ivan Illich has called for free from the school community. Deschooling intentions are set out from Ivan Illich assumption that the school is like a factory that students scored in the packages that's for sure. "... For many people, the right to learn are crushed into an obligation to attend school", says Illich. Similarly, Rabindranath Tagore, who had considered the school as if it were a prison. Which he calls "the unbearable torture".
There was a point when every education should be able to lead and change the status quo. And this does not mean that right when school was not considered important. Children are happy, generally still go there. We, and they, know, not subjects, and classrooms that make them feel at home. Instead, friends and meetings. It might, Illich and Tagore wrong. Schools are also wrong if he does not know himself that his role was not as expected so far. He is not a determinant of whether a child fails. He had no right to be formulating future.

However, many people often juxtaposes Ki Hajar Dewantara by Rabindranath Tagore, a thinker, educator, and world-class poet who has successfully laid the foundations of the Indian national education, because they are friends and did have a common vision and mission in its struggle to free his people from backwardness .
Tagore and Ki Hajar equally close to the people, love of independence and pride in the culture of his own people. Tagore never returned knighted (Sir) on the king of England in protest against the violence of British troops in the case of Amritsar Affair. Tagore's actions backed by his love for the people. So it is with ditanggalkannya knighted (Raden Mas) by Ki Hajar. This background desire to be closer to the people from all walks of life. Between Ki Hajar by Tagore was also a figure who both love freedom and culture of his own people. Chosen field of education and culture as a terrain of struggle is inseparable from the "strategy" to escape from the shackles of colonialism. The logic of thinking is relatively simple; if people were given an adequate education is wider horizons, thus the desire for an independent body and soul would be higher.
In the west, Paulo Freire comes with the concept of liberation education. Here, Ki Hajar Dewantara became a national hero because of education among the education system he developed in the park students. Expression are well known; "tut wuri handayani", "middle mangun ing initiative", and "ing ngarsa sung tulada". The term the program not only popular with the education, but also on various other aspects of life.
Who was the pioneer of this nation's education?
Who the hell, who does not know the character of this one? Tenacious fighter, a powerful politician, professor of the nation, the founder of Taman Siswa, was already recognized by history. But as a person that hard but soft, the father of a democratic, his simple, junk fans, not many people know. Even how he suddenly called by the name of Ki Hajar Dewantara also not widely known.
Figures peletak national education foundation is born with the name Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat, was born in Yogyakarta on Thursday, May 2, 1889. He comes from a family environment Yogyakarta palace. Obtained primary education at the elementary school ELS (Dutch primary schools) and after graduating, he continued to STOVIA (Earth medical school son) in Jakarta, but not until the end. Then worked as a journalist at several newspapers including Sedya Tama, Midden Java, De Express, Oetoesan Indies, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer, and Poesara. He was classified as strong writer in his time; writings very brave and patriotic, and capable of inspiring anti-colonial readers.

In addition to being a young journalist R.M. Soewardi was also active in social and political organization, was proved in 1908 he was active in Boedi Oetama and got a fairly challenging task in the propaganda section. In this section he was an active propaganda to socialize and inspire awareness of Indonesian society at that time about the importance of unity and the unity of the state and nation.
Three Serangkai After that, on December 25, 1912 he founded the Indische Partij Indonesia aimed at achieving independence, this organization was founded together with dr. Dekker and dr. Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo. The organization is trying to registered legal entity status in the Dutch colonial government but declined on March 11, 1913, issued by the Governor General Idenburg a Dutch government representative in the colonies. Reasons for refusal is because this organization is considered by the occupiers as it could arouse people's sense of nationalism and moving in a union to oppose the Dutch colonial government!


When the Indonesian people under foreign occupation that has a culture different from the people of Indonesia, making Indonesia more driven culture and are difficult to make the the velopment in their culture in their nation .So that even made Indonesia in two options of trying to absorb the foreign culture to enrich the culture of Indonesia and expanding to other countries or to allow the Indonesian culture disappear and willing to use these foreign cultures. Situations like this push Ki Hajar Dewantara to contribute Indonesia nasicnal culture . Donations given this Ki Hajar Dewantara of ideas and action. Donations in the form of ideas proposed the establishment of international relations agencies, and also proposed the establishment of committees associated with the development of national culture, then Ki Hajar Dewantara also suggested that the list included all the common teaching that can strengthen the teaching of the national culture.

While donations in the form of action is founded Indonesisch Tekan Biro (IPB) , which is the body concentration of information and propaganda of national movement in Indonesia in 1914. Besides the establishment of educational institutions also Taman Siswa on July 3, 1922. Formulation of the problem in this study is what are the contribution of Ki Hajar Dewantara in the development of Indonesian national culture? and how the influence of contributions given Ki Hajar Dewantara in the development of Indonesian national culture? purpose of this study is to determine the contribution given by Ki Hajar pengembanganm Dewantara in Indonesia's national culture, and to determine the effect of the contribution given by Ki Hajar Dewantara to the development of national culture of Indonesia. Research method used is the method of historical research with the data collection techniques through technical literature.

Data analysis techniques used are qualitative data analysis techniques Based on the research results obtained that the contribution given by Ki Hajar Dewantara in developing the national culture of Indonesia is the result of his desire to try
create a culture of developing nations Indonesia and known by other countries. In addition, because of his belief that taking a foreign culture is not a wrong thing but a thing is right, foreign selagikebudayaan will we take it is a culture consistent with Indonesian national identity and culture can enrich the Indonesian nation. So that the Indonesian culture can really be used as national identity. That is the basis of Ki Hajar Dewantara in providing contributions to the development of national culture of Indonesia, in the form of ideas and action. Where the contribution given by Ki Hajar Dewantara indirectly has
impact or influence the development of national culture positifbagi Indonesia, seen from the success of instilling his own love of culture to students who study in Tamansiswa.

So the the sence to know naturally grow in self students to develop the Indonesian culture to other countries, besides the cultural lessons taught in the Taman Siswa also been growing interest in other countries to learn proven by the decision of Rabindranath Tagore's dance teachers sent from India to Indonesia to learn dance. Conclusions from the study of Ki Hajar Dewantara contribution in the development of national culture to Indonesia this is the contribution given by Ki Hajar Dewantara have a positive impact. In addition to the growing self-awareness in Indonesian society to love their own culture, it also contributes indirectly make known to the Indonesian culture by other countries. So the opportunity to do more to develop the Indonesian culture to other countries will become increasingly easier.
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